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How Shippers Are Handling COVID-19 - Inbound Logistics

by:VIPUTRANS     2021-02-05
Risk Management, Manufacturing, TransportationShippers are quickly responding to the COVID-19 outbreak, according to a survey by Echo Logistics. Shipping volumes demonstrate the resilience of companies and their ability to produce essential products during disruption, and highlight the important role transportation plays, according to Echo. Shippers' responses shifted during just a two-week period: 28% of shippers said the virus impacted their business on March 5, 2020. Two weeks later, that number rose to 60% of shippers. 47% of shippers who were not impacted expect COVID-19 to affect their business in the future, which is a 23% increase from two weeks prior. When asked how COVID-19 was affecting their business, the top three responses were supply chain slowdown (52%), reduced travel (43%), and creating contingency plans (42%). 79% of shippers did not alter their long-term shipping plans due to COVID-19.
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