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Bulk cargo import transportation procedures

by:VIPUTRANS     2020-09-04
From the perspective of freight forwarding, discuss the basic procedures of imported bulk cargo transportation:

  1. Receive customer inquiries; when customers inquire about chartering transportation, they should understand the following questions to customers.

  (1) Mode of transportation;

  (2) Port of dispatch and port of discharge;

  (3) The name and quantity of the goods;

  (4) Loading rate and unloading rate;

  (5) The waterline of loading and unloading ports;

  (6) Estimate the transportation time;

  (7) Customer unit title, contact person, telephone, telex, e-mail, fax, etc.

   After understanding this information, inform the customer that the company will report the freight of the taxi as soon as possible, as well as the cost of customs declaration and forwarding at the port.

  2. Understand the time of user loading and unloading

   After signing the transportation agency and customs declaration agreement with the user, we will notify the user in advance according to the time the ship arrives at the unloading port and provide a copy of the required set of customs declaration documents.

  3. Time limit for import declaration: declare within 14 days from the date of declaration of entry of the means of transport, and the late declaration fee will be collected by the Chaori customs certificate. If the tax payment is not paid within 14 days of the tax bill, the customs will impose a late fee.

  4. Inspection procedures: application for inspection-payment of commodity inspection fees-entry and exit clearance form-water gauge measurement-sampling test-quality certificate

  Customs declaration procedures: declaration-inspection-taxation-release-customs clearance

  5, customs declaration documents

  Inspection documents: request for inspection, inspection form, contract, invoice, foreign water gauge weight list, quality certificate.
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