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How many regulations do you know about foreign ports?

by:VIPUTRANS     2020-09-04

Indian port

India’s trade malls are changing very fast, so Indian customers are very sensitive to the date of shipment, and Indian merchants know that the shipping company has signed the behavior and they are likely to refuse to pay for the goods. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary risks, all goods going to India will not accept backlogging. In addition, India’s customs regulations stipulate that all goods transferred to Indian inland freight stations must be transported throughout the entire journey by the shipping company, and the final destination of the bill of lading and manifest must be filled in as the inland point. Otherwise, you must pick up the box at the port. Or pay a high fee to change the manifest before transshipment to the inland.

Iranian ports

Article 90 of the Iranian Tax Law stipulates that freight tax shall be levied at 50% of the freight charge regardless of where the freight is paid for loading and exporting at Iranian ports. Imported goods are exempt from freight tax.

Japanese port

The Port Authority of Japan has regulations on imported fireworks: 1. Fireworks cabins that go to the second unloading port are not allowed to open at the first unloading port, even if there are goods from the first unloading port. 2. The weight of the fireworks per bill of lading Must not exceed 80 tons of gross weight.

Saudi Arabia Port

The Saudi government stipulates that all goods transported to Saudi Arabia are not allowed to transit through Aden.

Turkish ports

Turkish Customs stipulates that the detention time of the goods in the port shall not exceed 45 days (except for the extension required by the importer), otherwise it will be confiscated and auctioned, and the importer of the goods has the right of first purchase at the time of auction.

Tanzania Port

The Tanzania Port Authority stipulates that all goods transported to Dar es Salaam port to Tanzania or transshipped to Zambia, Zaire, Rwanda, Burundi and other countries must be marked with a cross mark of different colors on a prominent position on the package for classification and classification. , Otherwise the ship will charge a cargo classification fee.

Singapore port

The Singapore port stipulates that ships carrying dangerous goods shall not be docked, and must be unloaded at the dangerous goods anchorage, and then transported by barge to the port warehouse designated by the Port Authority for delivery to the consignee at the cost of the ship. Therefore, when shipping dangerous goods to Singapore, the shipper requires the shipper to pay the dangerous goods subsidy. 

New Zealand Port

The New Zealand Port Authority stipulates that the wooden structure of the container and the wooden packaging and dunnage wood in the container must undergo quarantine treatment before entering the country.

Dutch port

1. The Port of Rotterdam has adopted the 'Green Award' system since January 1, 1996. Crude oil vessels of more than 50,000 dwt are graded according to their equipment, shipping and other aspects. If they obtain a high grade, they will enter the port. Discounts are given on freight.

2. The Port of Rotterdam Authority will reduce the port fees for ships that are safe and harmless to the ecological environment when they berth in the port.

Canadian Port

The Canadian government stipulates that for cargo to the east coast of the country, it is best to deliver goods in Halifax and St. John's in winter because these two ports are not affected by freezing.

Jeddah and Dammam ports

1. All goods passing through the second port must be palletized at the port of shipment, and containerized goods must be palletized first and then packed. 2. The net weight of each bag shall not exceed 50 kg. 3. The contents of the cargo documents must be detailed. If the consignee is a bank, the detailed name and address of the last bill of lading holder should be listed. 4. The consignee must pick up the goods within two weeks after the ship arrives at the port, otherwise it will be auctioned.

Port of Djibouti

The port of Djibouti stipulates that for goods transshipped in this port, all documents and packaging marks should clearly fill in the final destination port, such as WITH TRANSHIP-MENT TO HOOEIDAH, but it must be noted that the above content cannot be filled in the destination port of the bill of lading, but only It can be indicated on the head or other blanks of the bill of lading, otherwise the customs will treat it as Djibouti’s local goods, and the consignee must pay the import tax before releasing it.

Kenya Port

The Kenyan government stipulates that all exports to Kenya must be insured by Kenyan insurance companies. Do not accept CIF terms.

Port of Cote d'Ivoire

1. The name of the goods listed in the bill of lading and manifest should be specific and detailed, and cannot be replaced by the type of goods. If the above regulations are not followed, the customs fines incurred by the carrier will be borne by the shipper.

2. For goods transiting through Abidjan to Mali, Burkina Faso and other landlocked countries, the bill of lading, shipping documents and cargo packaging must be marked 'C?te d’Ivoire transit' to be exempt from tax, otherwise additional tax will be imposed.

Lebanese Port

The Lebanese Veterinary Health and Quarantine Law stipulates that all imported live animals, animal products and their products, all perishable cans and food must be accompanied by an official sanitation certificate issued by the relevant producing country. Products without a certificate are prohibited from entering the port.

Nigeria Port

In order to prevent illegal merchants from arbitrage, the Nigerian Central Management Department stipulates that all imported goods must be inspected by the branch agency of the Swiss General Notary Bank before they are sent out and obtain 'CLEAN REPORT OF FINDINGS' before the consignee can clear the goods.

UAE ports

The health authorities of Dubai and Abu Dhabi ports stipulate that all imported food must indicate the expiration date and carry a hygiene and health instruction on the ship, otherwise the Hong Kong side will not unload the cargo.

Argentine Port

The Argentine law stipulates that the consignee must declare the loss of the bill of lading to the customs. After the customs agrees, the shipping company or the agency entrusted by the shipping company will issue another set of bills of lading, and submit a statement to the relevant agency that the original bill of lading is invalid.

Australian ports

The Australian Port Authority stipulates that when goods packaged in wooden boxes are imported, the wood must be fumigated and the fumigation certificate should be sent to the consignee. If there is no wood fumigation certificate, the wooden box will be dismantled and burned, and the cost of packaging replacement shall be borne by the shipper.

Pakistan Port

Karachi Port Authority stipulates that imported paper bags of carbon powder, graphite powder, magnesium dioxide and other dyes must be palletized or properly packed, otherwise they will not be unloaded. In addition, Pakistan does not accept ships flying the flags of India, South Africa, Israel, South Korea and Taiwan.

Philippine ports

1. Imported goods packed in sacks must be fumigated before they can be imported.

2. Dangerous goods cannot be unloaded in the dock warehouse, and the consignee must directly dispatch a ship or vehicle or pick up the goods directly.

Fiji Port

Fiji Customs prohibits the import of switchblade knives and old clothes.
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