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How to declare the imported air cargo?

by:VIPUTRANS     2020-09-05

1. The first is to provide a notice of arrival, a copy of the bill of lading, and a letter of introduction for replacement.

2. Prepare the required documents for import declaration:

1. Necessary documents: one copy of packing list, invoice, contract, and one copy of the power of attorney for customs declaration and inspection declaration.

2. The goods subject to legal inspection need to be declared for inspection first, and then the customs declaration form can be entered after obtaining the 'Customs Clearance Form'.

3. For imported goods from the European Union, the United States, South Korea, and Japan, if the packaging is wooden, the PICC must be marked on the packaging, and the wooden packaging must be inspected after customs clearance.

4. Various documents (such as import license, mechanical and electrical certificate, important industrial product certificate, endangered certificate, inspection and quarantine certificate) as stipulated in the tax regulations.

5. Tax reduction and exemption certificate manuals are provided if there is a tax reduction manual.

3. After import declaration, if required by the customs for price review, the customer shall provide relevant price certificates. Such as letters of credit, insurance policies, original invoices, bidding documents and other documents required by the customs.

4. After the customs has printed the tax bill, the customer must pay the tax within 15 working days. If the time limit is exceeded, the customs will levy late fees on a daily basis.

5. After customs clearance and inspection, the wooden packaging must be packaged and inspected. After the inspection, it can be delivered.

Another: The goods must be declared to the customs within 14 days after arrival at the port. If the time limit expires, the customs will collect a fine for delayed declaration (based on the value of the goods) for more than three months, the customs will sell it as unowned goods.

Import inspection: The goods are divided into legal inspection and illegal inspection.

Required documents: General cargo inspection documents required: contract, invoice, packing list, customs declaration, bill of lading, inspection authorization.

Special goods need related special documents: such as health certificate, 3C certificate, record book, etc.

Inspection process:

1. Prepare the required documents for inspection: general cargo inspection documents: contract, invoice, packing list, customs declaration, bill of lading, inspection authorization.

2. Pre-entry inspection application information: enter the inspection application system according to the actual situation of the goods.

3. Declare: After the inspector has checked the entry documents for inspection, he shall submit the declaration at the front desk of inspection.

4. Payment: Payment of inspection and quarantine fees for incoming goods.

5. Release: The goods that are released under quarantine are issued with a customs clearance form for entry cargo, which needs to be transferred to the place of use for quarantine inspection.

6. Goods inspection: The consignee of goods that need to be transferred for inspection cannot dismantle the goods by themselves after receiving the goods, and needs to make an appointment with the quarantine bureau transferred from the acceptance slip, and the quarantine bureau after the transfer will perform the inspection. Wooden packaging products are generally required to implement wooden packaging quarantine at the site. If there is no IPPC mark, it needs to be fumigated or the package destroyed. After the imported goods are released by the customs, they should go through the formalities for commercial inspection as soon as possible. Before the commodity inspection has been completed, it is not allowed to use and sell without authorization.
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