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The basic freight rate

by:VIPUTRANS     2021-02-09
The basic freight rate ( 基本速率) : the freight rate is per unit ( As per ton or per cubic meter) The price of the goods, the price of per freight ton, namely freight units. English can also be said to Freight Unit Price. Basic freight rate is the freight for the goods specified in the table will receive the basic freight unit price, is the other on the basis of the calculated percent surcharge. Shipping freight is by the basic freight rates and surcharges ( If has a regulation, Consisting of two parts. So, some ports only to check the basic rate, also is not necessarily a complete unit price calculated freight. Such as in the east route of Mauritius Louis port from Hong Kong to the second carrier, 10 level of bulk cargo is the basic rate of $84 / FT; Port surcharge fee is $4 / FT. World freight broking profile management international freight agents although has 600 years of development history, but at present there is no a unified definition in the world. Different countries have different names, some call it & other; Customs clearance agent & throughout; 、“ Customs clearance agent & throughout; Some call it & other; Cargo agents throughout the &; , our country is called & other; Freight forwarding & throughout; 。 At the same time, due to freight agents on the department set up, the division of labor, responsibilities are quite different, so in the management of the forwarder is different, there is no a unified model. Singapore Singapore shipping management is under the management of the trade and industry and the ministry of communications. The ministry of communications has shipping and port authority ( MPA) , is responsible for the handling of port and shipping management and technical problems. Trade and industry development council ( TDB) Responsible for handling the shipping trade problems, which the forwarder management was also included. Prior to July 1997, South Korea, South Korea's freight forwarding and shipping companies run by sea harbour hall, air transportation management by the ministry of communications. Industry has its own industry association, is responsible for the supervision and management of the industry, standardize the operation. In July 1997, after the south Korean government institutional reform, among them, the international freight forwarders and air freight forwarders merge into an organic whole, unified by the urban construction management of the Ministry of Transport, shipping companies belong to Marine fisheries agency of fisheries management ( The original shipping harbor hall belongs to Marine fisheries fisheries agency) 。 Because of international container multimodal transport and the international freight forwarders is no different from, so long as has the forwarder business license in Korea, can be engaged in the international container multimodal transport, issued by the whole combined transport bill of lading. Japan is the forwarder's ministry jurisdiction and shipping industry. Japan's ministry is a comprehensive department, with the railway bureau, aviation, maritime transport, transport policy, etc. , between agencies are independent of each other. Among them, the shipping by sea transport management, forwarder by transportation policy management. In Japan have freight forwarders association ( JIFFA) , there are more than 240 members, is responsible for information collection, market research. Japan implemented a special forwarder act (1990), become a legal basis for the management of Japanese forwarder. German forwarding business, or the shipping company in the city chamber of commerce and the local jurisdiction of the local police station to register, no specific departments of industry management, mainly by industry association. Such as Hamburg, Hamburg have freight forwarders association ( VHS) , the forwarder's articles of association and relevant regulations enacted, binding on all freight enterprise. The ship has VHSS generation. The two groups are all legal registration organization. Canada is fully liberalised trade transportation in Canada, in terms of shipping business, government is responsible for basic rules only, not for the specific management. Among them, freight forwarders and ship generation business run by private, on the basis of ordinary commercial management and tax policy. Only responsible for air, sea and land transport department and the main national highway transportation safety, and national macro management of transportation facilities, not to interfere in business operation. Belgium Belgium is a small country, freight forwarders, shipping, air transport, railway transport, road transport, container transport and other affairs are made by the department of transportation management. Industry association is in the nature of the discipline, there is no actual management authority. Worth mentioning is that the national management of the forwarder is in full on the market mechanism, and freight enterprise most is a private enterprise, industry management is making the necessary laws and regulations and the macro management, is worth reference for forwarding industry of our country.
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