How to Manage Global Shipping Contracts and Transport
Global Logistics, Transportation, Supply ChainSponsored by www.infoxusa.comMore to the Story:Do You Need Robotic Process Automation?Many beneficial cargo owners (BCOs) still manage core logistics functions, like ocean rates, using spreadsheets. However, new rate and contract management technology allows BCOs to manage contracts and rates on their own and share information across locations and business units.Similarly, technology-driven and customized TMS solutions are available for BCOs that provide speedy online bookings, handling documents, statutory compliances, and tracking in real time.A large enterprise with multiple shipping locations may negotiate shipping contracts from each branch or with centralized purchasing supporting shipping to and from multiple locations. Without the proper tools, the cargo owner's organization doesn't have full visibility into the rates and routing to optimize each shipment. A third-party provider such as a freight forwarder or NVOCC won't deliver the needed visibility either. With a cloud-based logistics management platform, BCOs can streamline and optimize their global supply chain with greater visibility into each shipment. Capabilities such as contract and rate management, cargo tracking, and full transport management can transform a supply chain better than managing by spreadsheets.Rate management systems compare rates by carrier and route options to highlight the optimum rates for each move. Cargo-tracking visibility manages on-time arrivals for cargoes to reduce costs and communicate revised ETAs throughout the supply chain. This is a vital function considering that on-time arrivals ranged from 65% to 76% in 2018. Improving on-time performance can deliver cost savings and service improvements across the enterprise.Contract management functions can highlight areas of overlap in routing and disparities in rates. Shippers can see where contracted routes and volumes may overlap, or where there may be gaps to be filled.With a cloud-based solution, employees can access the information they need, when they need it. Time zones are no longer a barrier, and information is not locked up in someone's desktop PC. Also, cloud-based applications can be easily customized for users.BCOs can take control of their ocean shipping rates and routing with an optimized platform that allows companies to share information internally. By using new technology tools, shippers can take control of their supply chains and manage rates and routes for better visibility and increased buying power.
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