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Logistics reduce costs, six ways to create an

by:VIPUTRANS     2020-07-31
Recently, the General Office of the State Council forwarded the 'Implementation Opinions on Further Reduction of Logistics Costs' by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Transport. The 'Opinions' focus on reducing logistics system costs, element costs, tax costs, information costs, intermodal costs and comprehensive costs, etc., and promote the 'quantity cost reduction' oriented towards reducing absolute cost expenditures and improving the logistics operation system. The oriented 'efficiency-based cost reduction' transformation is expected to create an upgraded version of logistics cost reduction.  

   The problem of 'high cost and low efficiency' is still prominent

  In recent years, China's social logistics cost level has been steadily decreasing.

According to data released by the National Development and Reform Commission, the ratio of total social logistics costs to GDP has dropped from 16.6% in 2014 to 14.7% in 2019; the logistics cost ratio of industrial and commercial enterprises has dropped from 8.3% in 2014 to 7.9% in 2018; logistics performance It ranks 26th among more than 160 economies in the world, and ranks among the top among economies with the same income level. 'However, compared with developed countries, the problem of'high cost and low efficiency' in my country's logistics is still more prominent, and it cannot effectively meet the overall requirements for high-quality economic development and the construction of a modern economic system.' The relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission said.

  What are the outstanding problems facing logistics cost reduction work?

In general, the problems are concentrated in: 'three difficulties', difficult to use land, difficult to finance, and difficult to pass; 'three more', more management lines, more toll items, and more tax burdens; 'three lows', hot metal transportation accounts for Low ratio, low level of standardization, and low industry concentration; the 'three unsmooth', poor infrastructure connectivity, poor iron and water main lines, and poor information interconnection and sharing.

'China's social logistics cost level is relatively high, which is closely related to objective factors such as the proportion of primary and secondary industries, the high degree of economic export, the uneven distribution of regional industries and natural resources, the vast inland depth, and the complex terrain. At the same time, logistics infrastructure Restrictive factors such as insufficient effective supply and connection, low overall logistics operation efficiency, and imperfect policy environment cannot be ignored. This is also an important reason for the high level of current storage costs, management costs, and a large proportion of loading and unloading costs in transportation costs. The person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission said that the next step is to focus on improving the operation of the social logistics system, focusing on improving the efficiency of the entire society's logistics, creating an upgraded version of logistics cost reduction, and laying a solid foundation for the high-quality development of the real economy.

  Focus on 'old problems' to promote cost reduction

   Centering on the overall goal of “reducing burdens, lowering costs, and improving quality and efficiency”, the “Opinions” put forward 24 measures in 6 areas, including reducing logistics system costs, element costs, tax costs, information costs, intermodal costs, and comprehensive costs.

  On the one hand, face the problem head-on and strive for practical results. Focus on the 'old difficulty' that restricts logistics cost reduction, and strive to improve the sense of corporate policy acquisition. For example, in terms of advancing the facilitation of customs clearance, it is proposed to systematically sort out the approval management items and supervision documents of the maritime and customs clearance links, and if it is unreasonable or unable to meet the needs of supervision, it will be cancelled or withdrawn from the port for verification according to regulations. In terms of land use, it is proposed that if the utilization rate and floor area ratio of self-owned industrial land or storage land should be increased and used for the construction of warehousing, distribution and transshipment and other logistics facilities, the land price will not be increased.

   On the other hand, it combines far and near and advances in coordination. The relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission introduced that the 'Opinions' focused on the key and difficult points of concentrated industry feedback and widespread social concern, as well as new situations and new problems that have emerged since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, and introduced detailed and practical measures. On the other hand, it focuses on strengthening the connection and transformation of different fields and different logistics links, and promotes the transformation of 'quantity cost reduction' oriented by reducing absolute cost expenditures to 'efficiency cost reduction' oriented by improving logistics operation system. Such as breaking the 'medium obstruction' of multimodal transport, improving the logistics standard and specification system, and promoting the efficient connection of logistics facilities.

'The logistics industry runs through the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, connecting production and consumption, involving a wide range of fields, great development potential, and strong driving force. Further reducing logistics costs will deepen the supply-side structural reforms, enhance the international competitiveness of the logistics industry, and promote economic development Speeding up the transformation of the method is of great significance.' said Wang Wei, director of the Institute of Market Economy, Development Research Center of the State Council.

   Improve the 'channel + hub + network' system

  How is the recent work carried out? It is understood that the National Development and Reform Commission will focus on the advantages of comprehensive coordination and macro-control departments, promote the improvement of the 'channel + hub + network' logistics operation system, systematically improve efficiency, and promote deeper and wider cost reduction.

Five key tasks have been determined, including advancing the construction of the national logistics hub network, improving the scale, networking, and intensive development of the industry; building a number of national backbone cold chain logistics bases for the advantageous production areas and distribution centers of high value-added fresh agricultural products; Strengthen the construction of emergency reserve facilities to provide strong support for improving the emergency response capabilities of major emergencies; promote the integrated development of the logistics industry and manufacturing; organize the development of logistics park demonstration work, etc.

   According to reports, the relevant departments will do a good job in the construction of the national logistics hub in 2020 on the basis of the preliminary work, and at the same time begin to study and formulate the implementation plan for the construction of the national logistics hub network in 2021-2025. Prior to this, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments have released two batches of 56 demonstration logistics parks. In the near future, they will study the selection of a new batch of demonstration logistics parks to further promote the overall development of logistics parks.

'The work related to cost reduction and efficiency increase in logistics has been continuously advancing for many years, and positive results have been achieved. To further reduce logistics costs, efforts must be made to break the system and mechanism constraints, so that the market can play a decisive role in the allocation of logistics elements, promote the restoration of production and life order, and promote high economic quality. Development.' Wang Wei said.
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