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Hungarian customs entry requirements, the Hungarian customs banned items

by:VIPUTRANS     2021-02-06
Studying in international logistics, port of baggage, private goods transport to Hungary, the Hungarian customs officers will be on entry items whether have contraband and whether tax inspection, whether it can meet the requirements of the immigration customs entry is the key to your furniture, goods in Hungary. Hungarian customs regulation has a variety of restricted/prohibited items, VIPU international logistics Supply Chain of experienced consultants in the process of international logistics services will be strictly controlled, to make sure that you won't because for policy to don't understand or omissions of any losses. In spite of this, understanding the Hungarian customs entry requirements, the Hungarian customs banned items or very be necessary. HUNGARYCUSTOMS REGULATIONS AND INFORMATION FOR IMPORTS the Hungarian customs import REGULATIONS AND INFORMATION HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PERSONAL belongings in the Documents of the Required Documents when the Copy of Passport 'Packing list' Bill of Lading ( OBL) - 表达释放接受/运单( 运单号) ●居民许可证/工作许可证/注册卡/匈牙利ID●用英语详细的存货过时,价值,由托运人签署●生活在国外的证据至少1年欧盟以外( 公司确认,水电费等。 ) ●银行担保,如果applicableSpecific信息详细信息●进口商品不能出售或出租。 ●使用货物的装船时间是免税的外国人有效的居留许可。 ●如果小于1的有效居留许可,需要银行担保的义务和其他适用的运输成本。 Files Required for the MOTOR VEHICLES MOTOR VEHICLES are the Documents Required when the Original Registration Card low Purchase invoice ( 必须显示购买价格和购买日期) 具体信息详细信息●汽车税取决于原产地。 登记税取决于汽车的环保类加上27%的增值税。 宠物宠物单据所需文件●●健康证明有效的疫苗接种RecordSpecific信息详细信息●宠物必须通过纹身或可识别的电子识别系统。 ●宠物可以进入作为托运行李,行李的陪同下,或货物。 RESTRICTED/DUTIABLE ITEMS restrictions/tax ITEMS where Firearms and ammunition ( 从领土需要政府授权) ●酒精和精神应该分开发送私人物品运输和税。 ●药物●狩猎武器( 从内政部是必需的授权) ●以下家庭用品可能进口免税范围内表明:○香烟( 200). 雪茄( 50) 和小雪茄( 100). 烟草( 500克) 禁止物品禁止入境物品非法药物毒品色情●●●●炸药materialsCONSIGNMENT指令托运指南建议:联系目标代理,以确保所有的需求已达到toimport之前,特别是关于空运/海运发货差异。 海王星搬家公司注意:海关法规可以在任何时候改变或不另行通知。 Thisdocument仅作为指导和提供信息。 虽然海王星搬家公司行使合理的疗法发布本文档,海王星搬家公司毫无表示,表达或暗示,itsaccuracy或适用性。 有用的网站( s) :http://www。 usembassy。 huhttp: / /旅行。 状态。 gov /旅游/ cis_pa_tw / cis / cis_1137。 超文本标记语言
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