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Promote the construction of air cargo hub 'Canal

by:VIPUTRANS     2020-07-16

On June 6, a fully loaded express cargo plane took off from Jiangsu Huai'an Lianshui International Airport and arrived in Zhengzhou more than an hour later. The Huai'an-Zhengzhou freight route was officially opened. The successful maiden voyage of the route and the acceleration of the cargo port function improvement project of the Huai'an Airport have accelerated the preparation of the general regulations and the preliminary work of the third-phase expansion project, which will further enhance the visibility and influence of the airport and fully promote the construction of the air cargo hub. It is of great significance to integrate into the 'Belt and Road', 'Yangtze River Delta Economic Integration' and 'Huaihe Ecological Economic Belt'.

Huai'an City, located in the hinterland of the North Jiangsu Plain, neither depends on the river nor the coast. For a long time, its development has been restricted by inconvenient transportation. In recent years, Huai'an attaches great importance to the development of large transportation and accelerates the construction of major infrastructure projects including airport expansion and the corresponding airport industrial park, which has fundamentally improved the traffic situation of Huai’an and developed a hub economy for Huai’an. To create a new economic growth pole provides an opportunity.

'Huai'an may consider constructing the eastern coastal freight airport to form a triangular support with Xuzhou and Lianyungang to achieve mutual complementation and support for railways, ports, and aviation, and at the same time achieve a co-development with the big data industry in Yancheng and the e-commerce industry in Suqian.' In February 2018, Lou Qinjian, Secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, for the first time in the seventh session of the county party secretary's work forum, systematically expounded the path of high-quality development in Jiangsu for the first time, and proposed the concept of Huai'an building an east coast air cargo hub. Since then, Lou Qinjian has issued instructions and instructions for the construction of the Huaian Air Cargo Hub 14 times, clearly requesting the provincial government and relevant departments to implement their responsibilities and promote them vigorously.

As a strategic meeting point for the construction of the Grand Canal Cultural Belt, the Huaihe Ecological Economic Belt and the Jianghuai Ecological Economic Zone, Huai'an's economic location is superior, and various resource elements that are constantly gathering have created good conditions for the development of an air cargo hub. Creating an air cargo hub has become a new source of power for the development of the Huaian region. Huai'an City adheres to systematic thinking and actively acts up and down to establish the development idea of ??'airports lead to animal flow, logistics drives industry, and industries drive cities', with 'regional air cargo hub, integrated logistics smart hub, new power source for regional development, modern aviation' The 'urban demonstration zone' is positioned to fully promote the construction of the Huaian air cargo hub.

The Huaian air cargo hub was successfully included in the 'Outline of the Yangtze River Delta Regional Development Integration Plan' approved by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and the 'Huaihe Ecological Economic Zone Development Plan' approved by the State Council. matter. In the important documents issued by the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government to promote the construction of the “Belt and Road” junction and the construction of the province’s modern comprehensive transportation system, the construction of the Huai’an air cargo hub is also an important content.

The air cargo hub is emerging

In the past two years, relevant personnel in Huai'an City have gone to more than 10 cities at home and abroad to learn lessons, and completed the 'Research Report on Building Huai'an Air Freight Hub', 'Research Report on Memphis in the United States' and 'Investigation on Building an Air Freight Hub in Zhengzhou, Xi'an, Ezhou and Other Places' 'Report' 'Research Report on the Development of Air Freight Hubs from the Perspective of Customs' and other research results, and on this basis, the 'Huai'an Air Freight Hub Strategic Plan' has been drafted, which has now passed expert review. At the same time, Huai'an City has strongly promoted the construction of the air cargo hub as the 'ten important things' of the municipal government for two consecutive years. The city's ideological understanding of building an air cargo hub has been continuously deepened, and the ideas and goals have gradually become clear.

On July 9, 2019, Huai'an City and Zhongyuan Longhao Airlines opened the first all-cargo flight route (Huai'an-Xi'an). This route is the only all-cargo route between Jiangsu Province and Shaanxi Province, and it is also the first cargo route opened by Eastern Airport Group and Western Airport Group in cooperation. On November 15, 2019, the Huai'an Municipal Government and the Eastern Airport Group formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement to promote the high-quality development of civil aviation, further promoting the construction of the Huaian air cargo hub. In the same year, the passenger throughput of Huai'an Airport reached 2.3 million passengers, and the cargo and mail throughput exceeded the 10,000-ton mark for the first time. The growth rate of the two indicators ranks in the forefront of airports in East China and even the country.

With the improvement of the epidemic prevention and control situation, Huai'an Airport seizes the opportunity of airline capacity adjustment, focusing on cities along the 'Belt and Road', node cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, key freight cities, and cities in economically developed regions, and strives to optimize flights Structure, speed up the restoration of flight capacity, and accurately assist the resumption of production. Priority will be given to restoring passenger routes in key freight cities, with full efforts to restore the capacity of the abdominal belts. After the season is changed, the capacity of the cargo compartment has been restored to 71% before the outbreak. On June 6, 2020, Zhongzhou Airlines and Huai'an Airport successfully opened the Huai'an-Zhengzhou all-cargo aircraft route, which was also the second all-cargo aircraft route operated by Huai'an Airport. This route opened up the international freight passage of Huai'an and surrounding areas through Zhengzhou transit, providing more convenient services for local export-oriented enterprises to resume production and production. For the Huai'an Airport to gradually build an air freight network, better serve the export-oriented economic development, and accelerate the construction The air cargo hub is of great significance. The prototype of the air cargo network of Huai'an Airport, which is based on the all-cargo route and supplemented with belly cargo, has already taken shape.

Connect the world Huai'an in the future

On March 24 this year, the Executive Meeting of the State Council deployed to further enhance my country's international air cargo capacity and strive to stabilize the supply chain. The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to improve the air freight standard system, promote the simplification and paperlessness of freight documents, and establish an interoperable and shared logistics information platform such as airlines, postal express, and cargo stations. Strengthen logistics services such as customs clearance, freight forwarding, and warehousing. Strengthen the upgrading of existing airport facilities, improve cold chain, express sorting and other facilities. On April 17, the Civil Aviation Administration issued the 'Notice on Further Optimizing the Airline Flight Management Policy' to further implement the 'delegation of service' to support the development of the air cargo and air logistics industry; further relax the air cargo flight operating permits and optimize Existing air cargo flight management policies. The promulgation of these series of policies provides strong support for increasing the cultivation of market players, improving the network layout of the air cargo hub, improving the information level of air logistics, and optimizing the environment of air cargo operators.

In the fast lane of development, Huai'an takes the e-commerce and logistics industry as its entry point. At present, the top ten national express delivery companies have set up regional distribution centers in Huai'an, with an average daily transshipment volume of 2.4 million pieces. Huai'an has become an important node in the domestic logistics industry chain. According to forecasts, the annual air cargo volume in the Central Jiangsu and Northern Jiangsu areas will exceed 200,000 tons. With the transformation of Huaian Airport to an air cargo hub, Huaian is facing unprecedented opportunities for development.

On April 9, the Huai'an Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government specially studied the construction of air cargo hubs, and proposed to strive upwards to support the development of air cargo hubs with strong policies; attract outwards and promote the development of air cargo hubs with major projects; The construction of the park promotes the development of an air cargo hub. Strengthen cooperation with Eastern Airport Group, and jointly promote the revision and general expansion of Huai'an Airport in accordance with the requirements of air cargo hub construction.

At the same time, as a national-level Taiwan-funded enterprise industrial transfer agglomeration service demonstration area, Huai'an and Kunshan jointly built an industrial park, and aviation preference industries such as electronic information and biomedicine developed rapidly. In the next step, Huaian will actively coordinate the development of passenger and freight transportation according to the overall deployment of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Government, build a hub platform, attract industrial agglomeration, accelerate the construction of an air cargo hub, and build a regional influence with strong domestic and international accessibility The freight hub network can better serve the development of export-oriented economy, lead northern Jiangsu, drive Jiangsu, serve the whole country, and connect the world in the airport industry and even wider fields.
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