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[VIPU Supply Chain Qu0026A] Consolidated Qu0026A Featured Issue 2

by:VIPUTRANS     2021-03-12
A few days ago, the editor compiled some questions and answers about common problems in container transportation, and the response was very enthusiastic after the release. Netizens said that I often encounter these questions organized by the editor, and the answers found on Baidu are often misleading. I don't know why. Today, the editor took the time to sort out many problems encountered in container transportation, and listed them in the form of question and answer. What does ICD mean? How long is the free warehouse period for imported LCL by sea? Where is the certificate of origin for Form E.? And so on and so on.  Q1: The port of destination says the box is damaged, and the customer has to pay to return the box?  A: Provide relevant container photos before shipment and subsequent arrival photos. The destination port will find a third party for inspection, provided that you can confirm that the damage is not caused by your cargo.  Q2: Is it OK if the port of booking and customs declaration are different? (The problem is that the commodity inspection has done the wrong port, and there is no way. I originally went to BKK, and the customs declaration refers to the port of shipment to HPH)    A: As long as the tax refund is okay, it will not affect it.  Q3: How long is the general free warehouse period for imported LCL by sea?  A: Ningbo, where each port is different, is not exempt from stockpiling and is generally not expensive. Shanghai generally exempts stockpiles for more than 1/CBM in the first 10 days.   Q4: Explain the term ICD?  A1: ICD is the abbreviation of Inland Clearance Depot. Chinese means 'container inland customs inspection yard' or 'inland customs clearance freight stationSince it is impossible to arrive directly by sea, almost all cargo needs to be trailered to this point.  A2: Exclusive to ICD Asan.   Q5: Form E. Where is the certificate of origin for this E?  A: FORM E is a preferential certificate of origin for the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area. The original and second copy of the certificate should be provided by the exporter to the importer for customs clearance in the importing country. As long as the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area Preferential Certificate of Origin (FORM E) is issued, goods exported to Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam can enjoy preferential imports. National tariff treatment, with an average tax reduction rate of 5%.  Q6: The ship at Yangshan Port in Shanghai has arrived. Can I still declare to enter the port? (Due to the production schedule, the cargo in Yangshan Port, the ship is already docked, can the container still enter the port?)   A1: In Shanghai, Yangshan generally has two releases 24 hours before the ship approaches.  A2: The ship has already docked, and it is estimated that it has passed the cut-off point, and it is yarded, and it is impossible to board the ship.  Q7: Ningbo was checked during customs declaration, and the HS CODE was said to be wrong. Do I have to return?  A: Let the first generation take a screenshot of the pre-configuration, and then check it with your bill of lading and manifest. The paperless display is that the data is incorrect. If the HS is incorrect, it will be checked and evaluated. It will not be available within 3 days!  Q8: Can two bills of lading be combined to produce one insurance policy? (But the insurance policy data needs to correspond to the bill of lading. There are also invoices that can be combined, right? Because we buy goods from two suppliers and declare separately, but we want to merge the one-time delivery and don’t want to submit it in batches.)   A: The same ship, the same origin and destination, and the same customer can be combined.  Q9: One consignor and two consignees, why can’t we issue two sea orders? (Is there an agent at the port of destination?)   A1: This also depends on circumstances, such as whether your goods involve mixed consolidation? Or there is a mix of dangerous goods. Is one box split or multiple boxes split? In addition, the classification requirements of different ports in different countries are also different. The regulations of each shipping company are also different. It cannot be generalized.  A2: Yes, as long as the shipping company is willing, confirm before booking, confirm the agent form and the agent's destination port, and let the agent distribute the goods to you. Q10: Ask a question about the overnight charge (the overnight charge is mainly due to the factory’s reason that the vehicle is only transferred the next day, which affects the arrangement of the car on the second day, which is equivalent to the compensation loss. Then if the vehicle stays overnight, It has been loaded and left at around 1 am, and it does not affect the goods to be loaded the next day (the goods are loaded from the same factory). Is it possible that this fee will not be charged or be charged less. Or as long as the night is over To charge this night suppression fee)    A1: If you delay the second day of work, you have to pay the team money.  A2: If there is no delay, you don’t need to charge it. If you give the driver some hard work, it’s acceptable. The article is based on the source: Jiyun Baodian and Weiyun Net
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