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What is the US ISF declaration? What is the difference with AMS declaration?

by:VIPUTRANS     2021-03-12
Everyone in the trade industry knows that in addition to sending an AMS data to the United States, an ISF declaration must also be submitted. So what is an ISF declaration? What is the difference with AMS declaration? VIPU Supply Chain international logistics will take you to understand the ISF declaration. What is ISF Filing ISF is the abbreviation of Importer Security Filing, that is, 'Import Security FilingIt is a requirement of the U.S. Customs for U.S. importers. This is a thing created by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to enhance U.S. security after the '911 incident'. This is unique to the U.S. A declaration whose purpose is to improve safety supervision. The content contains 12 items, 10 items are provided by the importer, and 2 items are provided by the shipping company, so ISF is also called 10+2. The ISF declaration must send the electronic declaration data to the U.S. Customs through the AMS or ABI system 24 hours before the cargo is shipped. In terms of ISF declaration operations, importers can entrust their trusted overseas agents to declare on their behalf. ISF (Importer Security Declaration, 10+2) Since January 2010, goods entering the United States need to apply for ISF. Prior to this, it is optional to declare. The fee is USD25/BILL regarding ISF penalty regulations. There have been corresponding requirements. In the proposed scheme on January 2, 2008, the penalty for the ISF was the total amount of the entire purchase price, but on November 25, 2008, the formal provisions of the transition period were changed to a fine of five thousand dollars for each violation, specifically after January 26, 2010 Punishment began. The specific content of the ISF declaration, the 10+2 new regulation, is as follows: 1. The '2' mentioned in 10+2 is the declaration requirement for shipping companies (1) Vessel stow plan (VESSEL STOW PLAN) (2) loading containers Status information (CONTAINER STATUS MESSAGE) 2, 10+2 mentioned '10) Seller name and address (3) Buyer name and address (4) Ship to name and address of the company where the goods are delivered (5) US importer’s customs registration number Importer of record number (6) Consignee number of the American consignee, Consignee number (7) Country of origin of the goods (8) HS product number (first six digits) Harmonized Tariff Schedule No. 6 digit (9) container Container stuffing location (10) Consolidator name and address of the LCL company After introducing so many contents of the new regulations, I believe everyone is still confused. It is said that practice is the most important, so put a template for your reference. After reading it, you will know how to fill in the ISF declaration form. The items marked with * in the picture are required for the actual shipper. The ISF declaration can be declared by the seller or the buyer on behalf of the buyer. If the buyer declares on behalf of the buyer, the buyer needs to declare through the freight forwarder and the consignee is required. The US agent that cooperates with the shipping forwarder will sign a POA authorization letter. The forwarder will send the US agent information to the buyer to the consignee. The agent will also be notified and the consignee will be actively contacted. Only after the POA is signed can the goods be shipped from the port . What is the difference with AMS declaration? As for the difference between ISF and AMS declarations, the simple distinction is as follows: AMS refers to the 24-hour manifest system or the US anti-terrorism manifest system. The declaration is mainly the information in the bill of lading, and the freight forwarder can manage and control the declaration. The ISF declaration is mainly an entity in the supply chain. Part of the information is in the buyer and part of the information in the seller. How to effectively integrate this information is difficult at the beginning. If the freight forwarder helps to declare the ISF, the relevant information must be collected at the time of booking. If the importer declares by himself, some information must be communicated with the seller during the declaration. Need to pay attention to the following points: Who will send the ISF? (1) How does the importer or (2) the freight forwarder or customs broker designated by the importer send the ISF? (1) Existing AMS system (2) US Customs ABI tariff system Time: Same as AMS, the modification must be sent 24 hours before boarding. Deadline: The final modification must be done 24 hours before the ship arrives in port
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