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What are the ports in Shanghai, the largest port

by:VIPUTRANS     2020-05-21
The port of Shanghai is most famous for its port. Shanghai Port can double as a sea port. The main port area is distributed along the Huangpu River. It is an estuary port in the Yangtze River Delta and a major hub port along China's coast. The port of Shanghai is most famous for its port. Shanghai Port can double as a sea port. The main port area is distributed along the Huangpu River. It is an estuary port in the Yangtze River Delta and a major hub port along China's coast. Shanghai Port is located at the forefront of the Yangtze River Delta, in the middle of China ’s 18,000-kilometer continental coastline, and is the estuary of the Yangtze River. The world ’s port industry is well-known. China is an important port that opens to the outside world and participates in the international economic cycle. 99% of Shanghai ’s foreign trade materials enter and exit through Shanghai Port, and the annual foreign trade throughput completed accounts for about 20% of the major coastal ports in the country. As a world-famous port, the container throughput of Shanghai Port ranked first in the world in 2013, and the cargo throughput ranked second in the world, second only to Ningbo-Zhoushan Port. In the first 11 months of 2015, container throughput increased by 3.33% to 33.47 million cases. Luchao Port is a national first-class port and a national key fishing port. The regional planning area is 3.3 square kilometers and the planned population is 30,000. In 2012, the original Luchaogang Town and the original Shengang Street merged to form Nanhui New Town. The location of Luchao Port is extremely superior. It is adjacent to the Lingang Logistics Park in the east and close to the Donghai Bridge. It is across the sea from the Yangshan Deepwater Port. The west side is connected to the Lingang Heavy Equipment Park by a 200-meter-wide forest green belt. sea. Luchao Port has developed water and land transportation in the urban area. From Luchao Port on the sea to Ningbo, Zhoushan, Putuo Mountain, Xiaoyangshan and other places in Zhejiang, within one or two hours. The land road is 5 km from Haigang New City, 32 km from Yangshan Deepwater Port, 27 km from Pudong International Airport and 52 km from Shanghai city centre. It is close to Hulu Expressway, Lianggang Expressway, Donghai Bridge, and there are D2 and D3 Avenues in the area, which are connected with Lingang Logistics Park and Heavy Equipment Industrial Zone. The planned light rail and maglev trains will become an important channel connecting Luchao Port with Shanghai downtown and airport. The Yangshan Port Area of ??Shanghai Port is the busiest terminal in the world, with nearly 45,000 containers circulated here every day. In 2015, this port area greeted more than 12 ocean-going freighters on average every day. On China's long coastline, there are more than 18 million tons of berths from south to north. Among these berths, one-sixth can call mega-ships over 100,000 tons. It is like a chain extending from north to south. On one side of this port chain is China, the world's second-largest economy that continues to develop at a high speed, and on the other side is the world. In 2015, the total amount of material that the Chinese exchanged with the world through this port chain reached 3.6 billion tons, and these cargoes were enough to fill 36,000 aircraft carrier-sized freighters. Waigaoqiao Port is a newly built comprehensive terminal in Shanghai Pudong New Area. Its main function is to serve Pudong's development and opening up and the economic development of the Yangtze River Delta, and it will gradually develop into a deep-water port area in Shanghai that combines domestic and foreign trade with third and fourth generation international containers as its main body. The Waigaoqiao Port Phase I inshore dock is operated by Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Port Company. In 1995, the cargo throughput was about 2.3 million tons, of which the throughput of loading and unloading containers was about 118,000 TEUs. Three full container berths of the second phase of the Gaoqiaozui Port are under construction. The No. 5 ditch is located about 10 kilometers downstream of the Gaoqiaozui port area, and it is planned to build about 30 berths of sea-going ships of over 10,000 tons.
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