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The loss incurred during the transportation of goods at sea is also called 'Average'. Any loss of the ship or cargo caused by natural disasters or accidents, such as the ship's collision, stranding, collision, sunk, fire, wind disaster, explosion, etc. Material losses and cost losses caused by ships or cargo are all marine damages. Definition of gross loss The loss incurred during the transportation of goods at sea is also called 'Average'. Any loss of the ship or cargo caused by natural disasters or accidents, such as the ship's collision, stranding, collision, sunk, fire, wind disaster, explosion, etc. Material losses and cost losses caused by ships or cargo are all marine damages. Classification of gross loss According to different standards, the average loss can be divided into three categories: 1. According to the loss pattern, it can be divided into material loss and expense loss. Material loss is the loss or damage of the ship or the cargo itself after the distress; cost loss is the loss in the cost of the ship or the cargo caused by the distress, such as salvage fees, towing fees, ship's staff, maintenance and repair during the repair of the ship Port fees, etc. 2. According to the degree of loss, it can be divided into total loss and partial loss. The total loss can be divided into actual total loss and estimated total loss. All ships or cargoes were sunk, burned, or blown up as actual total damage; after the ship was in distress, although the total damage was not reached, the two or one of the rescue and repair costs will be higher than the ship or cargo rescued After the value, so no rescue value is the estimated total loss. Part of the loss is that the ship or cargo suffered only partial damage after being killed. 3. According to the relationship of the burden of loss, it can be divided into individual average loss (no loss of common average loss and loss that has not reached the full loss level) and common average loss (ship, cargo or other property encountering a common risk. Special sacrifices and special expenses directly caused by difficult measures).
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