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Ministry of Transport: Vigorously develop public

by:VIPUTRANS     2020-07-29
The Ministry of Transport issued a notice on doing a good job in transportation to promote consumption expansion and quality improvement. The notice proposes to do a good job in transportation to promote consumption expansion and quality improvement through 16 measures in 5 major areas.

The notice pointed out that focusing on key urban agglomerations and metropolitan areas such as the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta region, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the Chengdu-Chongqing Shuangcheng Economic Circle, we will promote the formation of a multi-level rapid transit system with rail transit and expressways as the framework. Transportation network. Improve the construction of urban agglomerations and central urban transportation infrastructure in metropolitan areas, vigorously develop public transportation, and improve the level of transportation integration. Gradually form a one-hour commute to urban areas and two-hour commute to urban agglomerations.

In response to the difficulties and pain points faced by passenger travel and life-related logistics services, the notice pointed out that efforts should be made to improve the speed and convenience of travel services, promote the green and efficient development of freight logistics services, and break through the 'blocking points' that restrict consumption in the transportation sector. Consumption vitality. Speed ??up the opening of passenger buses to remaining qualified townships and organized villages, consolidate the achievements of passenger buses, and ensure that the goal of high-quality passenger buses will be completed by the end of September 2020.

The notice proposes to promote the integration of transportation and tourism and sports industries. Strengthen the connection between expressways and scenic traffic, fully consider the connection with key scenic roads in expressway planning and construction, and improve the setting of traffic guidance signs.

The notice also pointed out that various Internet platforms and market entities are encouraged to participate in the development of big data products and value-added services for transportation and tourism services, and use the mobile Internet as a carrier to provide the public with comprehensive information services such as diversified transportation, tourism, and sports events. Continue to deepen the application of ETC and promote differentiated expressway toll collection.

The following is the full text of the notice:

Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Transport on Doing a Good Job in Transportation to Promote Consumption Expansion and Quality Improvement

Transportation departments (bureaus and commissions) of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and cities under separate state planning:

In order to implement the decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on expanding domestic demand, promote consumption expansion and quality improvement, promote the formation of a strong domestic market, serve the 'six stability' work, and implement the 'six guarantees' tasks, with the approval of the Ministry of Transport, we will do a good job in transportation The notice of work related to promoting consumption expansion and quality improvement is as follows:

1. Improve transportation infrastructure conditions and stimulate consumption potential

On the basis of improving the layout of transportation infrastructure and three-dimensional interconnection, highlight the problem-oriented and goal-oriented, and focus on promoting the construction of a number of transportation infrastructures that have an obvious role in promoting consumption, so as to create conditions for stimulating consumption potential.

(1) Speed ??up the construction of intercity transportation infrastructure. Focusing on key urban agglomerations and metropolitan areas such as the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta region, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the Chengdu-Chongqing double-city economic circle, we will promote the formation of a multi-level rapid transportation network with rail transit and expressways as the framework. Improve the construction of urban agglomerations and central urban transportation infrastructure in metropolitan areas, vigorously develop public transportation, and improve the level of transportation integration. Gradually form a one-hour commute to urban areas and two-hour commute to urban agglomerations.

(2) Improve the rural transportation infrastructure network. Promote the high-quality development of the 'Four Good Rural Roads', vigorously promote the removal of large-scale natural villages such as the merger and establishment of villages, and the access to hardened roads in the border natural villages, and promote more transportation projects to favor entering villages and households. Deepen the reform of the rural road management system and accelerate the establishment of a long-term management mechanism. Promote the construction of ferry bridges, land-island transportation piers, Kuhu Lake area waterways and convenient piers, and improve ferry conditions in remote areas. Improve rural logistics infrastructure service facilities, and guide township passenger stations to expand functions such as commerce, logistics, and postal express delivery, so as to achieve 'one point with multiple functions, one network with multiple uses, and multiple stations in one'.

(3) Improve the development quality of comprehensive transportation hubs. Promote the construction of comprehensive passenger transportation hubs, and guide and drive the centralized layout, space sharing, three-dimensional or same platform transfers of various transportation facilities. Encourage the use of large-scale comprehensive passenger transport hubs as the carrier to promote the agglomeration and development of related consumer industries such as commerce and finance, tourism and catering, shopping and entertainment, and build an urban complex. Promote the construction of logistics nodes such as national logistics hubs and freight hubs (logistics parks), and guide logistics nodes to expand service functions such as cold chain, postal express, cross-border e-commerce, and aviation logistics.

2. Improve the quality of transportation services and upgrade service consumption

In response to the difficulties and pain points faced by passenger travel and lifestyle logistics services, we will focus on improving the speed and convenience of travel services, promote the green and efficient development of freight logistics services, open up the 'blocking points' in the transportation sector that restrict consumption, and enhance consumption vitality.

(4) Improve passenger transportation services. Speed ??up the opening of passenger buses to remaining qualified townships and organized villages, consolidate the achievements of passenger buses, and ensure that the goal of high-quality passenger buses will be completed by the end of September 2020. Fully realize the normal operation of the Qiongzhou Strait ro-ro passenger transport liner, and further shorten the average time for passengers to cross the sea. Promote the improvement of supporting services for night economic transportation in accordance with local conditions. Continuously meet the special needs of the disabled and the elderly, and improve the level of barrier-free and convenient travel services.

(5) Optimize passenger transfer services. Further improve the service level of passenger interline transportation, and effectively improve passenger travel experience. Encourage local governments to strengthen innovation and promote the open sharing of information on various modes of transportation, management coordination, optimization of security inspection procedures, and integration of ticketing services. Promote the experience and practices of connecting passengers in Heilongjiang, Beijing, Nanjing, Shenzhen and other places. Strengthen the connection of urban public transportation and auxiliary public transportation services in comprehensive passenger transportation hubs, and improve the service level of passenger 'last mile' connection. According to market demand, encourage the establishment of car rental service outlets in airports, railway stations, and port passenger terminals.

(6) Improve ticketing service level. Encourage enterprises to use the Internet and other information technology applications to improve the service level of online, interline, remote, round-trip, and refund ticketing, and guide Internet companies to provide interline and intermodal “one-stop ticketing services”. Expand the transportation applications of taxis, urban ferries, and public transportation-based road passenger transportation. Promote road passenger e-tickets, and launch pilot applications of road passenger e-tickets in Beijing, Jiangsu, Jiangxi and other provinces to enhance the digitalization and informatization of road passenger transport and improve passenger travel experience. Promote the application of electronic ferry tickets for waterway passenger transport, and develop electronic ferry tickets in key waters such as the Qiongzhou Strait and the Bohai Bay. Continue to promote and implement the cruise ticket management system.

(7) Improve the level of life logistics services. Promote the construction of the “Global 123 Fast Cargo Flow Circle” to support residents' increasing demand for fast and convenient logistics services. Deepen the demonstration project of urban green freight distribution, guide the locality to coordinate urban transportation and urban material distribution needs according to the actual development, and accurately formulate urban distribution vehicle traffic control policies. Encourage local governments to strengthen departmental collaboration, promote information and data sharing, and provide support for improving the informatization of urban freight distribution. Improve cold chain transportation standards and regulations, improve the technical equipment level of cold chain logistics vehicles, and improve the quality of cold chain transportation services. Continue to promote the integration of postal delivery and improve the rural logistics service system at the county, township, and village levels.

3. Promote cross-industry integration of transportation and cultivate new consumption

Give full play to the advantages and characteristics of multiple transportation points, long lines, and wide coverage, promote the integration and linkage of 'upstream and downstream, left and right' transportation industries, improve the application and development of new technologies, new formats, and new models, and provide support for new consumption .

(8) Promote the integration of transportation and tourism and sports industries. Strengthen the connection between expressways and scenic traffic, fully consider the connection with key scenic roads in expressway planning and construction, and improve the setting of traffic guidance signs. Promote expressway service areas to expand tourism and consumption functions in accordance with local conditions, and provide facilities and equipment such as parking spaces for suites, gas stations, and charging piles for new energy vehicles in combination with regional characteristics. Continue to promote the construction of tourist roads, tourist channels, and cruise ship piers, promote the development of cruise economy, tourist trains, and low-altitude flying tourism, and promote cruise ports to improve their service levels. Encourage the creation of independent brand sports events featuring transportation resources.

(9) Promote the integration of transportation and information industry. Promote the construction of new-type transportation infrastructure, and improve the intelligent and digital level of transportation infrastructure. Promote the application of autonomous driving and vehicle-road collaboration technologies. Use the 'Internet +' technology to promote the healthy development of shared transportation, and encourage the development of new forms and models of travel services such as time-sharing leasing of small and mini buses and customized services for road passenger transportation. Encourage the development of 'Internet +' efficient logistics, improve the automation, intelligence, and digital level of logistics, improve the service quality of timely delivery, cold chain express delivery and other fields, and strongly support the development of e-commerce and digital consumption.

(10) Promote the development of green consumption in transportation. Guide and urge all localities to further promote the application of new energy buses and taxis, and gradually promote the electrification and cleanliness of urban public transportation and urban logistics and distribution vehicles. Speed ??up the elimination of scrapped old diesel trucks. Research and establish standards and regulations related to the safety and operation and maintenance of new energy vehicles in the field of road transportation. Guide logistics companies to use packaging that meets environmental and recyclable standards, avoid repeated packaging and excessive packaging, and improve resource reuse and recycling levels.

4. Create a safe transportation consumption environment and improve consumer satisfaction

Further enhance service awareness, effectively safeguard consumers' rights and interests through service innovation, transportation market supervision, and smooth rights protection channels, and strive to create a safe, convenient and comfortable transportation consumption environment.

(11) Encourage innovation in service methods. Encourage various Internet platforms and market entities to participate in the development of big data products and value-added services for transportation and tourism services, and use the mobile Internet as a carrier to provide the public with comprehensive information services such as diversified transportation, tourism, and sports events. Continue to deepen the application of ETC. Promote differentiated tolls on expressways.

(12) Maintain the order of the transportation market. Build a fair, open, and orderly competitive transportation market, improve market access and exit systems, and focus on improving industry operating rules. In key areas such as transportation, transportation and logistics, build a new credit-based supervision mechanism, research and promote cross-regional credit supervision applications such as credit information interconnection, mutual recognition of credit evaluation, joint reward and punishment interaction, and credit repair and interconnection, and optimize the overall credit environment of the industry . Promote the expansion and application of the automobile maintenance electronic health record system to provide support for the promotion of second-hand car transactions. Strengthen the supervision and management of transportation services, comprehensively use the Internet, WeChat, telephone and other channels to openly accept problems reported by the masses, respond to problems in a timely manner and properly solve them, and improve consumer satisfaction.

(13) Guarantee the safety of passengers. In accordance with the relevant requirements of the 'Guidelines for the Divisional and Hierarchical Prevention and Control of New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemics in Passenger Terminals and Transportation Vehicles', we will do a good job in the prevention and control of epidemics in passenger terminals and transportation vehicles. Supervise transportation companies to implement the main responsibility of safety management. Further strengthen safety supervision and emergency response capacity building. Increase investment in infrastructure safety protection and improve the safety protection capabilities of key infrastructure. Build safe wharves for vehicles and ships, strengthen security inspections, and create a safe environment. Promote inter-provincial chartered passenger transportation sign information sharing and external inquiries, and improve the safety and standard operation of tourist chartered cars. Implement key production safety supervision on long-distance passenger lines and sleeper buses over 800 kilometers.

5. Strengthen organization and implementation to ensure actual results

Strengthen organizational leadership, innovate working methods, strengthen publicity and guidance, and strive to promote consumption expansion and quality improvement to achieve practical results, and provide strong support and guarantee for coping with the adverse effects of the epidemic, effectively expanding domestic demand, and promoting the formation of a strong domestic market.

(14) Strengthen organization and leadership. Transportation authorities at all levels must increase their political positions and fully understand the importance of transportation in promoting consumption expansion and quality improvement. In the work, it is necessary to strengthen organization and leadership, enhance service awareness, strengthen departmental linkage, combine actual implementation measures, increase the reform of 'decentralization, management and service', and form a joint force to promote consumption expansion and quality improvement.

(15) Innovative working methods. Strengthen policy innovation and system innovation, and encourage local transportation authorities to promote consumption expansion and quality improvement in accordance with local conditions through pilot exploration, demonstration drive, and policy support. For projects that meet the pilot requirements for building a strong transportation country, are highly innovative, and have outstanding demonstration and driving properties, the Ministry of Transport will include them in the pilot program according to procedures.

(16) Strengthen publicity and guidance. Give full play to the media’s guiding role of public opinion, make extensive use of key news websites, major commercial websites, and media platforms such as Weibo, WeChat, and mobile clients to carefully set topics, and vigorously promote good experiences and good practices of transportation to promote consumption expansion and quality improvement. Play the leading role of typical demonstration. (Reporter Qiao Xuefeng)
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