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Ministry of Transport: Carry out normalized prevention

by:VIPUTRANS     2020-07-30
On June 15, the Ministry of Transport held a meeting of the Leading Group for Response to the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic, to convey and learn the spirit of the central government, and study and deploy related work on epidemic prevention and control. Leadership group leader Yang Chuantang, secretary of the party group, and Minister Li Xiaopeng attended the meeting and emphasized that it is necessary to resolutely unify thoughts and actions into the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions and the Party Central Committee’s decision-making and deployment, and earnestly strengthen the 'four consciousnesses' and strengthen the 'four consciousnesses'. Confidence” and “two maintenances” should be done to prevent paralysis of thoughts, war exhaustion, fluke and relaxation mentality, and always tighten the string of epidemic prevention and control, be cautious and stay the same, strengthen confidence, and do a good job in Beijing’s recent gathering For epidemic prevention and control related work, we will implement normalized prevention and control transportation measures, continue to do a good job of 'external defense import, internal defense rebound', and earnestly perform our duties to win the people's war, overall war, and deterrence war of epidemic prevention and control.

The meeting emphasized that under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and through the arduous efforts of the whole party and the country, decisive results have been achieved in the defense of Wuhan and Hubei, and major strategic results have been achieved in the epidemic prevention and control war, and the overall promotion of epidemic prevention has been achieved. Positive results have been achieved in the control and economic and social development. Recently, the clustered epidemic in Beijing is highly related to the wholesale market of agricultural products in Xinfadi. The market is densely populated and highly mobile, and the risk of the spread of the epidemic is high. The transportation industry must keep a clear head and take resolute and decisive measures in a timely manner to implement the epidemic prevention and control measures and effectively prevent the spread of the epidemic.

The meeting requested that we must adhere to the bottom line thinking, think more about difficulties and problems, make more adequate measures and preparations, carry forward the style of continuous combat, not afraid of fatigue, and not afraid of hardship, based on summing up the previous experience, The epidemic prevention and control work fully reflects the people's transportation as the people, accelerates the construction of a strong transportation country, upgrades the modernization of the governance system and governance capabilities, and makes every effort to do the relevant work.

First, we must attach great importance to the emergence of new situations in the epidemic, be prepared for major battles, tough battles, and protracted battles, and fight the epidemic with all-out efforts to ensure smooth flow, supply and transportation, and safe and stable operation of agencies. Continue to support the prevention and control of the Beijing epidemic.

Second, we must strengthen the guidance of transportation work in Beijing and its surrounding provinces and cities, strengthen the protection of frontline personnel in transportation work, strengthen supervision and implementation, and adjust and improve epidemic prevention and control measures according to the time and the situation.

Third, it is necessary to strengthen the prevention and control work of the ministries and agencies and the subordinate units, implement the responsibility system of each department and unit, strengthen prevention, check for omissions, establish checklists, and conduct inspections to ensure that various prevention and control measures are strictly implemented. The railway, civil aviation, and postal departments must combine their own actual conditions to do a good job in related prevention and control.

Fourth, we must continue to do a good job of 'external defense import, internal defense rebound', continue to implement the policy of 'cargo opening and closing' at road and water transportation ports, implement epidemic prevention measures for transportation tools, stations, and personnel, and make overall plans for normalized epidemic prevention and control And economic and social development work.

Fifth, we must attach great importance to transportation safety production and industry stability, implement measures to prevent floods, floods, typhoons, and geological disasters, learn lessons from accidents, and resolutely curb major accidents.

Sixth, we must coordinate the current key tasks of transportation. Speed ??up the construction of an international logistics supply chain system, optimize and stabilize my country's international logistics supply chain, and ensure that 'imported goods can come in and exported goods can go out.' Make overall plans to implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand, improve effective investment, and further improve service quality.

Leaders in Beijing and responsible comrades of the leading group attended the meeting. Members of the leading group and responsible comrades of relevant departments and bureaus attended the meeting. (Author: Zhao Pengfei Mao Jian)
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