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International Shipping Packaging Material Cla

by:VIPUTRANS     2020-05-21
Packaging (packaging) in order to protect products during circulation, facilitate storage and transportation, and promote sales, the overall name of the containers, materials and auxiliary materials used according to certain technical methods; also refers to the use of containers, materials and auxiliary materials Certain technical methods and other operational activities are applied during the process of the object. Packaging meaning Packaging (packaging) in order to protect products during circulation, facilitate storage and transportation, and promote sales, the overall name of the containers, materials and auxiliary materials used according to certain technical methods; also refers to the use of containers, materials and auxiliary materials Certain technical methods and other operational activities are applied during the process of the object. Packing classification Due to different requirements for transportation, storage, sales, display, protection of goods, etc., different types and forms of product packaging design have arisen. Some packages are only used for production counting, shipping, and storage, and not necessarily all meet with consumers. Some packaging is sold to consumers with the product. Due to the difference between function and use, according to China's trade practice and uniform regulations of international trade, we divide the packaging into: transportation packaging and sales packaging. 1. Classified by the shape of the packaging container: can be divided into boxes, barrels, bags, bags, baskets, bales, jars, jars, tanks, bottles, etc. 2. Classification by packaging materials: can be divided into wood products, paper products, metal products, glass, ceramic products and plastic products packaging. 3. Classified by the type of packaged goods: it can be divided into food, medicine, light industrial products, needle cotton fabrics, household appliances, electromechanical products and fruit and vegetable packaging, etc. 4. Classification for safety purposes: it can be divided into general cargo packaging and dangerous cargo packaging. Packing type classification type of packaging Bagbag BALbale bales and bales BARbarrel barrel (wooden barrel) BDLbundle bale BOXbox CARcarboard CAScase box (wooden box) W / Cwoodencase (commonly used) wooden box COICoil coil CRACrate crate basket CTNCarton carton DRUdrum barrel (like drum) D / Sdrums (plural) PAL or PLTpallet pallets, pallets SACsack cloth bag SETset group, Taiwan TRAtray pallet (shallow, such as tea tray, dish) UNTunit group, set PIEpiece pieces (odd) PCSpieces pieces (plural)
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