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Import goods shipped directly and have new change!

by:VIPUTRANS     2021-02-08
Do international trade children's shoes must be all know, China customs policy relative to other countries is much strict customs, when import trade so often have the customs to return. The return of the situation is often because the consignee by trade, logistics, and a variety of reasons, such as national policy, and can't normal customs declaration for importation of goods, the need to direct return formalities at the customs. This is very similar with the domestic online shopping to return. Today, this small make up just to give you a detailed introduction of imported goods directly shipped and the relevant provisions of the latest changes. 第1部分。 The return of provisions apply to import goods directly links: the law of the People's Republic of China on customs import goods return measures for the administration of direct ( Order no. 217 of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China) Article 3 of the goods after the customs, the customs clearance formalities, before any of the following circumstances, the parties may the customs offices for handling the formalities of direct return of the place where the goods: (1) because the country trade management policy adjustment, the consignee can't provide the related documents; (2) is wrong, false or excessive discharge the goods, can provide shipper or carrier's written proof documents; (3) the consignee or consignor both sides agree to return, and be able to provide the return of the two sides agreed to a written proof documents; (4) the relevant trade dispute, can provide effective judgment of the court, arbitration agency decision or uncontested valid proof of ownership of goods; (5) the goods damaged or national inspection and quarantine is unqualified, can provide the national inspection and quarantine department issued by the relevant certificate documents. For the return of a lot of, want to further understand the can also call the customs hotline at 12360 for consultation. 第2部分。 If the parties apply for direct returned the new rules of the return and direct return including the parties apply for direct customs shall be ordered to return. If the parties apply for direct returned the new rule transact the BUG fix the past, now just online to deal with. Provision which links: the law of the People's Republic of China on customs import goods shipped directly management procedures 'article 2 after the goods entering the country, the customs procedures fulfilled before the import goods or consignor, the carrier or its agent ( The following a general designation & other; The parties & throughout; ) Will all or part of the goods shipped abroad directly, and the customs according to the relevant provisions of the state shall be ordered to return the directly, these procedures shall apply. Article 4 for direct return of imported goods, the goods via the Internet by the parties to the customs declaration and submit the relevant materials. The new rules will help reduce the loss of human, business to deal with more convenient, there is no doubt that is a good news for companies. In the past, carry a set of data is likely to pass the shipper, freight forwarders and ship generation, customs clearance department/logistics department and so on several process, can be sent to the scene offcial's hands, but also may encounter due to material preparation is not congruent decreased, not only on the time delay, also can bring different degree of economic losses. Now! Going back and forth across the enterprise no, apply for directly shipped to the customs directly via the Internet. At the same time, the customs officers after receiving electronic data, complete and timely feedback to review whether the results. According to the regulation, the customs accepts the to approval should be done in 5 working days. This process, the applicant may at any time on the Internet to check the disposal progress, transparent, the in the mind is steadfast. After customs complete internal operation process, the applicant will receive a return receipt, the consent of the customs and relevant parties can according to own actual situation, choose in customs clearance or logistics departments andthe matters. Edit summary: believe that through the above small make up for the carry trade directly imported goods, what are the new policies and changes in the understanding. Which country's customs, policies often need to change because of current affairs. And live as attached to the customs policy and industry, of course want to know all of these policies. VIPU international logistics lp perennial Supply Chain for people to go abroad or home to provide professional door to door double clear GuanGuoJi logistics services, shipping multinational carry furniture will find VIPU international logistics Supply Chain. If you have this aspect demand, are welcome to call our hotline for free.
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