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Common freight terms in Chinese and English

by:VIPUTRANS     2021-03-12
Goods (1) goods (2) freight (3) cargo (1) transportation (2) transit (3) conveyance (1) to transport (2) to carry (3) to convey (1) transportation business ( 2) forwarding business (3) carrying trade a forwarding agent carrier (1) a freight agent (2) a carrier shipping agent a shipping agent land transportation transportation by land sea transportation transportation by sea cargo transportation (1) ) goods traffic (2) freight traffic (3) carriage of freights (4) carriage of goods freighter (1) cargo boat (2) freighter (3) cargo steamer (4) cargo carrier train (1) goods-train (2) freight-train truck (1) goods-van (2) goods wagon (3) freight car (4) truck freight office (1) goods-office (2) freight-department freight rate (1) freight (2) freight rates ( 3) goods rate freight (1) carriage charges (2) shipping expenses (3) express charges (1) cartage (2) portage freight prepaid (1) carriage prepaid (2) carriage paid freight on delivery (1) carriage forward (2) freight collect freight exemption||free carriage free contract freight (1) conference freight (2) freight rate freight list freight account consignment note (1) way-bill (2) invoice contract for carriage Shipment (1) shipment (2) loading (1) to ship (2) to load (3) to take on a ship (1) shipping charges (2) shipping commission invoice shipping documents shipping documents chief mate receipt mate's receipt shipping order shipping order delivery order delivery order shipping advice shipping advice parcel receipt parcel receipt quasi-loading order shipping permit charter party charter party charterer charter voyage charter||voyage charter voyage charter time charter time charter allowable loading and unloading time (1) lay days (2) laying days working days working days consecutive days (1) running days (2) consecutive days demurrage demurrage demurrage days demurrage days despatch money (1) short shipment (2) goods short shipped (3) goods shut out (4) shut-outs compensation guarantee (trust receipt) (1) letter of indemnity (2) trust receipt loading and unloading (1) unloading (2) discharging (3) landing shipping weight (1) shipping weight (2) in-take-weight landing weight ballasting ballasting ballast in ballast manifest manifest ship's certificate of registry Diary ship's log Crew roster muster-roll (crew, passenger) health certificate bill of health clean bill clean bill foul bill doubted bill of lading suspected bill
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