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Cleaning supplies sent to fba choose VIPUTRANS

by:VIPUTRANS     2020-08-14
Shelly from Shenzhen is an Amazon e-commerce executive who is an exporter of cleaning products. Recently, she has been searching for a suitable Amazon logistics company on the Internet. As a batch of goods are going to the United States recently, Shelly is very anxious and search online. After seeing a lot of freight forwarders, I didn’t know how to choose. I found VIPUTRANS logistics, a company that mainly specializes in shipping China-US special lines. So through online consultation and communication, Shelly negotiated with the website customer service Joanna and learned that VIPUTRANS's main business scope is all logistics and transportation from China to the United States, which also meets their own needs, so they left their own delivery requirements and contact information including mobile phones. And QQ, after a while, I received a business visit call from VIPUTRANS business manager Lily. Through timely business communication, Shelly felt the high-efficiency service quality of VIPUTRANS. Lily understands that the customer’s products include cleaning cloths, cleaning gloves, brooms and mops, etc., and also analyzes the weight of the goods and gives them a quotation. Shelly is also very satisfied with the quotation plan provided by VIPUTRANS through the comparison, so The two parties happily reached a cooperation plan, and later arranged the shipment according to the appropriate time agreed by both parties. During the period, lily also provided timely feedback on the specific information of the shipment, including the return visit after the shipment was delivered. Shelly is very satisfied with the quality of this series of services, which also allows VIPUTRANS Logistics to gain the high trust of customers, and the cooperation between the two parties is also more guaranteed.

VIPUTRANS has always been focusing on China-US private line shipping logistics. This is not only our own service and channel advantages that have made this private line brand, but also the driving force for our hard work and development given our customers’ daily support, regardless of every new and old customer We do everything with our heart and soul, so no matter what cargo transportation needs you have, you can contact us directly!
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