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An Awesome Supply Chain Scholarship - Inbound Logistics

by:VIPUTRANS     2021-01-24
Logistics, Education, Supply ChainTo attract women who want to pursue graduate degrees in supply chain management, the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics announced a new scholarship in partnership with AWESOME (Achieving Women's Excellence in Supply Chain Operations, Management, and Education), an industry-wide organization for senior-level women in the supply chain field.The AWESOME/MIT AWE Scholarship will offer an applicant to the MIT Supply Chain Management Program a 100-percent tuition fellowship for the first year—this equates to approximately a $72,000 value for a student of the class of 2020. Potential students wishing to be considered for this award will announce their candidacy in their applications along with a one-paragraph essay. MIT will review all applications and forward the top three finalists to AWESOME to select one recipient from the pool of candidates.Application collection will begin in September 2018 and the first AWE Scholarship will be awarded in March 2019. The recipient will attend the AWESOME Symposium in either May 2019 or May 2020. In August 2019, the first AWE Scholarship winner will attend MIT.For more information on the AWESOME/MIT Scholarship, contact: Bruce Arntzen, executive director, MIT Supply Chain Program, barntzen@mit.edu
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