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Adapting Supply Chain Strategies Amid COVID-19

by:VIPUTRANS     2021-01-29
Supply Chain Management, Risk Management, Supply ChainThe COVID-19 pandemic has caused an enormous strain on global supply chains as they rush to complete and ship orders as quickly as possible. With tightening budgets and a need to stay connected using technology, it is more important than ever for transportation and logistics companies to have an effective mobility strategy in place.To adapt supply chain strategies, companies must have knowledge of existing technology, then determine which additional tools they must integrate to enable their current technology to support their new shipping needs.Shippers can augment existing protocols with COVID-19-related policies by implementing the following: Hands-free devices: During COVID-19, hands-free and contactless protocols with voice activation and barcode scanning are necessary to ensure the health and safety of employees and consumers. Information must be synced and available for streamlined business operations and real-time communication with employees.Automated reporting systems: It is critical for transportation and logistics managers to gain real-time visibility into their operations, inventory, and deliveries. An integrated mobility and IoT-management platform can help optimize delivery routes to enable shipments to be completed quickly and efficiently, while ensuring remote sensors are up and running to ensure consumables are kept at an ideal temperature throughout transport.Real-time support: With the increasing demand for delivery of both essential and non-essential goods and services, it is vital for managers and staff to leverage mobile technology in their operations. Remote support helps diagnose and troubleshoot mobile tech issues on the go with no downtime, helping drivers deliver their goods on time.Safety and regulation: With heightened awareness of health and safety protocols, companies need advanced insight into any issues a driver may face along their delivery route so they can respond in a timely manner, such as maintaining a compliant temperature when transporting fresh produce or essential medical supplies to a destination.
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